fredag 19 augusti 2011

Pan's labyrinth

It was raining. And by that I mean it was raining outside when I woke up this morning.

A friend of mine is staying over tomorrow, so I was going to buy some groceries, and clean the appartment.
Well, no grocery shopping today, thought I and looked at my DVD collection.

I found Pan's labyrinth, by Guillermo del Toro. A perfect choice for rainy days.

I will explain the plot without spoiling too much.

In Spain, 1944, a young girl named Ofelia is on her way to a military camp with her mother.
The mother has married a cruel captain, who's ordered them to come at once since the mother's pregnant.

On their way to the camp, the mother demands a brake from the long drive. Ofelia wanders off and finds
a peculiar stone shaped like a long face. She inserts a stone, that looks like an eye, into a empty eyesocket, and a mantis appears. Little does she know that the mantis is in fact magical, and that it will follow her and lead her to a magical labyrinth.

Pan's labyrinth is both dark, magical and realistic. With the second world war, and the guerilla who's fighting in the vicinity of the camp, combined with a story of magic and old legends makes it hard for the viewer (in this case myself) to stop watching. 

It's approximately 2 hours long (119 minutes to be precise) and every minute is worth watching.
I reccomend you to watch this when it's dark outside, or when it's raining. It really adds upp to the suspence and nature of the movie.

I'd give it a 9 out of 10 because of the way Guillermo del Toro has combined the realistic and cruel world of man, with a magical touch that together creates a feeling that reminds me of the "Hellboy" movies, but this one ending both tragic and happy (trust me, I didn't really know how to feel at the end). It's both horror, drama, fantasy and a war movie.

Buy it, rent it or see it in any way.


P.S I'm not very good at explaining plots without spoiling much, so bear that in mind if you think this was to vague.

P.P.S Also, while reviewing movies, anime and music i use the 1 to 10 system.

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